What is happening, Am I feeling unworthy of a second chance,? Had I achieved cothesure.?..,is guilt a possibility?, Do I feel whemled ?, Is this a dream..? .. It’s my BRC…, Its Squeek fills my mind, like a call I can’t ignore, I find I can lick it, but can’t find it in me to bite down on it,,, Have I groan?, is this a case of seeing cause and effect, of regret of past actions or decisions?, .. Do I deserve this type of torement , Does my BRC have feelings of its own?,..Daddog says,. We are all made up of Matter, says there are Rubber trees, Trees seem alive..Does Matter , continue to live when made into ofver objects by humans.? Should this concern Dogs.?..Does it matter ?..Should I answer the sqeekers call ? Should I chew?…. If.No good Deed/gift goes unpunished., I woodn’t want to be Daddog .Maybe sleep will come 2 nite, per chance a dream….

from Shit My Dad’s Dog Says https://ift.tt/1mI2g9L

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