Ahem ... My Food Bowl Is Not Going To Fill Itself!
What a day… almost got a turkey.. if he/she had been 100 feet closer…..Daddog arrived last knight..( easy Ellen) Had been working on the Tahoe house. it’s coming.. had lunch with Bern. and brought his (Daddogs) Dump trailer home…. Worked all day on the front yard.. I did what I could, barked at passing Cars… Max came up.. His A C L U is healing ,but He still can’t wrestle, He really likes Daddog, Daddog pets him and gives him loves, I think he’s trying to make me Jell-ous.. It’s workin.. Momdog got off her Ass and made some Ginger Snaps..All is good..Claims She couldn’t reach the Cookie Baking stones.. Daddog has a purpose…got to go… time to ask/Beg for a cookie…..F Y I.. In a Dogs dictionary… All words start with R or W……. Bow Wow really?
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