Ahem ... My Food Bowl Is Not Going To Fill Itself!
There are three Cats that live across the street..As I have stated before .Cats serve no useful purpose ( no-one ever wrote a story about a cat, being anything more than a Jerk) I don’t speak Cat.. ( why would I even want to ) From what I gather from my stealth like observation ,,These Cats have nothin better to do than Tease Me,.and. trespass on the property ,, every now and then I get loose and try to look them up. They hide up inside parked cars….They make strange sounds.. I call them Mue,Me and OW…. after the Howard FEE-ASS-CO…..( Lexi..How did you know his name was Howard?) I decided I’m in charge of namin…Dogs rule….Did I mention they’re Ugly.. ( might be from the Grease from the cars)..Daddog says they are Ferrell…I think he make things up
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