Ahem ... My Food Bowl Is Not Going To Fill Itself!
The “Job ” requires Alot of thought, teamwork and COMUNICATION,, so I was placed out-front , all windows and doors closed. keeping any loud voices from being heard in the surrounding area.. And the re-installion of the vertical Blinds and Lambrakins ( look it up) Yeah WE didn’t find it either, but that’s the way Momdog spelled it so, WE aren’t going to cause NO-trouble)…. began…. I listen through the door and couldn’t believe my beautiful Ears… There were some tense moments a first,, something about which end should be carried first… and at what angle the blinds should be held , to achieve Nap-in ease..Then all went silent.. I thought I smelled fresh Blood.. and then Momdog say” LOOKS GOOD” ( we don’t hear that around here very often).. and so they moved on the the second one.. ( I tell ya I was really worried) but in a few second they had it up too.. Half-way there now the Lambrakins…. Piece of cake… Momdog Happy ,all is Good in Lewis -land.. I re-entered the house to see Tears in Daddogs eyes.. He Loves it when a PLAN comes together
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