Ahem ... My Food Bowl Is Not Going To Fill Itself!
Over Hurd.. Daddog, “Hun,( KNee) did you take that hotlink off my desk”? ” MD, What Hotlink ? DD “I had a HotLink I was going 2 eat, I think Lex must have stole-t it” ( Later the next Day) MD ” look what I found” She produces the Hotlink I illedge-id-lee stole-t, found it buried in the white couch, I was blamed, although there were know teeth marks on the link. Moral..You R prezumed guilty around here..CSI was called ,Saliva tested, inconclusive, If It was me, I learned, You can’t trust hiding places,and My air was b-ing color blind, hiding a red Hotlink in a white couch, Hey they R old , and do lots of forgetin, and misplacin, all I ask 4 is 2 keep an open mind
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