It is oar “tis” the C-son of feal good stories,Homecummins Hope, and L-ivated cense of compasshun 4 1 anofver, knot a dae goes buy, that I don’t C a teer 4orm in Daddogs Iz, cawzed by a duegooder finally C-ing what a small change in his/her ackshuns 2ward ofvers can make, witch makes me wunder, , R humans so rapped up in there o-n lives, that they Can only relate to sufferin 4 a month a year ? or do they help ofvers in ofver weighs ,the rest of the yeer, but R so rapped up in there dae 2 dae struggles 2 cervive,that they don’t take time 2 think about the good they R doin ? I only no a few humans, but they all have good harts,. I want 2 B-leeve there R more like them than knot,..So if this C-son brings out compassion 4 ofvers in humans, it is wurf all the commercials,, I due like the one where Santa lets the puppee out 2 Pee , As 4 me, I give uncondishunal Love 24/7 , butt “tis” just what Dogs due

from Shit My Dad’s Dog Says

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