Ahem ... My Food Bowl Is Not Going To Fill Itself!
It came up in convirsaeshun, Max said it 1st,..Kwestchunin hour perpose We are boffe PullinDogs, butt all we evfer get 2 pull R Humanz, on hour walks..Neever of us have evferr even sean a sled, oar pulled 1. We boffe have hevy coats and like the cold, butt Only get 2 injoy the cold wevfer if the Humanz we R wiff can handle it 2, We R boffe strong and kwick, well Max is just kwick 4 his size, I howevfer am KWICK,, so Pullin in Cold wevfer sounds like a job we R made 4,.Hour koats R soft,and Humanz like to pet us, we even leeve samples of it 2 remind Humanz of the joy we bring, I hurd Momdog 1se spun a vest from anovferDogs Hare, (She duz things like that) After sum thinkin, we decided the thing we do best is givin Love. and provide the no-in, that 2 get 2 U, they gotta come thru US…We R conversaeshun starters, ” WoW what a Beuteiful Dog” has even led 2 Romance ( a 1st step 2 produce More Humanz)…….. If Humanz “Wurk like Dogs”I hope they remember ,We also take Naps
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