It came up in convirsaeshun, Max said it 1st,..Kwestchunin hour perpose We are boffe PullinDogs, butt all we evfer get 2 pull R Humanz, on hour walks..Neever of us have evferr even sean a sled, oar pulled 1. We boffe have hevy coats and like the cold, butt Only get 2 injoy the cold wevfer if the Humanz we R wiff can handle it 2, We R boffe strong and kwick, well Max is just kwick 4 his size, I howevfer am KWICK,, so Pullin in Cold wevfer sounds like a job we R made 4,.Hour koats R soft,and Humanz like to pet us, we even leeve samples of it 2 remind Humanz of the joy we bring, I hurd Momdog 1se spun a vest from anovferDogs Hare, (She duz things like that) After sum thinkin, we decided the thing we do best is givin Love. and provide the no-in, that 2 get 2 U, they gotta come thru US…We R conversaeshun starters, ” WoW what a Beuteiful Dog” has even led 2 Romance ( a 1st step 2 produce More Humanz)…….. If Humanz “Wurk like Dogs”I hope they remember ,We also take Naps


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