Ahem ... My Food Bowl Is Not Going To Fill Itself!
I’m very good at pickin up vibes, like this afternoon, Daddog says..hey Momdog…” ” isn’t she the most beautiful Dog in the world”.. Momdog says “What ?.” Daddog repeats the obvious, Momdog.. “sure”.. Sure ? Momdog seems to be distracted from what is important, Maybe she has other things on her mind, than re-reinforcing my position in this family, All I know is it is somewhat hurtful, , she must have skipped nursery Ra-hi-ms 101 about the Mirror on the wall and how it answered ” LexiDog Lewis” ..(That’s was what was the Mirror answered when Daddog read it to me).. This might stem from Last night, and my Hoggin Her side of the bed… Nah, she ‘s not one to hold a grudge,…. although She has been actin sleep Deprived.. in my defense, some Dogs might sleep curled up. I’m more of a stretchoutGirlDog.. Hope her attitude improves, She nice to be around when She’s happy
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