I don’t know if anyone can relate .. to the helplessness of being kept from achieving a goal….I do my part ,only to have.”IT” wrestled away from my grasp..Yes I refer to the recently retrieved delicious Bone I buried in the Front -yard….After my evening Patrol./ scent sesssion..I was summoned to my place on the family room couch… I felt sure this would be the ideal location to begin chewin my latest treasure ….So I carried it to the lettin-in door,,. But NO..Daddogs hand removed the Treasure from my mouth.. seems it didn’t pass the “UN-Yucky test”… In the interest of Full dis-clothes-shur the bone was covered with dirt and saliva. Yes, JUST RIGHT……I feel I perform a valuable service to this family..( do I really have to explain,? ) But am not consulted about The Rules of conduct pertaining to Food in the family room..If ever there was a Double -standard i’m sure it would be agreed upon This is one… A Happy ending..?. well, Daddog gave the bone back this morning..I have removed most of the Dirt….. They’re Old . I’ll try again this afternoon.

from Shit My Dad’s Dog Says http://ift.tt/1mI2g9L

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