Ahem ... My Food Bowl Is Not Going To Fill Itself!
Eye share menknee traytez wiff ofver Dogz, We love deeplee,and can sinse Emoeshunz N Hughmanz, We offher cominfort, and a consist10t Supoart, 2 Awl Hughmanz knot juss the 1z N R charge, Sew it is wiff Sadness and frustaeshun that Eye Confrunt mi laytest challendge, Max and George, and the Payne that iz billding,4 boeff of them, Max con10uez 2 battle hiz hellth problimbz, George lovez Max sew mutch and wawntz 2 due rite buy Max, and he will, Max haz trusted hymn wiff he lief , George feelz liek heez dieN inside and restlin wiff ” The rite tyme” Max has menknee gud daez, but itz the notsewgood daez that R the hartbreaker,Eye tawk 2 Max and he duzzent wawnt 2 cawz George payne and iz dueN the best he can, , Eye dowent no wawt 2 due, Eye love them boeff, Max iz Mi Best frend, and George luvz Me liek hiz owen, Eye will B thair 4 Boeff of them, Love izent condishunawl
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