Ahem ... My Food Bowl Is Not Going To Fill Itself!
Daddog brought his Travel Trailer home from the Duck Club….He was heading out to clean it up before Momdog could comment on how it was kept…When…I grabbed Him and said ” Hey I got somethin to say”…Given the choice…Here we are…The Word of the Day is COME-POSE-ZOUR…(Daddog assures me, this reference will reach enough people to be understood, I have my doubts)…As Johnny Mathis ( Johnny WHO ) says..”my Come-Pose-Zour sorta of slips”..Which is true…I Come ( when I want) I POSE..(Stay,sort of) And I don’t think ZOUR is a real word .. SO who’s Slipin…I know I should try harder ,but these Humans are SOOOO easy. so lets move on…Daddog seems confused…But it’s better than cleanin…Just call me LEXI-PUPPETIER-DOG-LEWIS
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