Ahem ... My Food Bowl Is Not Going To Fill Itself!
Call it Charm…Boydogs find me very interesting and to be honest I am attracted to long hair guydogs,,.ever so often I discover things about myself…. like today…Bodi, the Long Hair Golden retriever, came up to visit.. We were havin a nice time wrestling and sniffin..,, when Shushi,( the Girl Malamute next door, who I have tried to play with,and for reasons such as Her age and the fact that She is a Girlldog, well lets just say were neighbors not friends) comes walking down the street,..Bodi.. stops playing with me and seems more than interested in Shushi., guess he likes Older womendogs,.. I put my Charms on maximum. nothin…I didn’t think I was the Jealous type, I mean …”what ‘s she got ,,I’m much prettier ,faster,younger, I am at a loss to explain it.. Who ever said,”you can;t catch all the Fish” didn’t have Me as bate..( must have misplaced my Humble)….Bodi will visit again soon, …note to self…Just pretend IT didn’t happen
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