from $hit My Dad’s Dog Says
Dae 4teen, Herd slitherin nosez at the pipe again, Daddog cudent here them,Hee sufferz frum CHS, ( snake) Eye gess the snake is knot Daeturnal, Looked 4 snake dropingz, buttt kot shure waut they wood look liek, pipe iz 2 smawl 2 get in, oar eyed wood gettum, wish eye spoke Snake
from $hit My Dad’s Dog Says
Eye dowent leed a shellturd lief, Butt, eye Think Eye fowend a snake,(Daddogz wurd,) “It” ( gendeer synsative, “far B it frum me 2 start Nknee trable” ) seeamz 2 stay in the drane piep under the driveweigh, Eye due mi cureEus lookthing, shif10 mi hed frum side 2 side, wiff errz bac, Eye can here IT, maykin snake sowends, cauz thatz waut eye can dew, itz a Dogthing, havent Ceen it yet, Daddog saez, itz good 4 mi nec musculz, Momdog saw a snake up buy the barn, sed it waz a go-fur snake, mine hasent desided 2 come owet 2 Go-Fur a slither ,Hoe-pitz frendlee
from $hit My Dad’s Dog Says
Missing You Hours turn into days, with nothing to set them apart The sky less blue clouds more gray colors less bright thoughts astray words seem hard to form and why tears more frequent in the eye it’s not pain just a numb that knows to well why,
from $hit My Dad’s Dog Says
Thea-r Hoem, Boeff of them, eye kissed Daddog mor than Momdog, ( just the weigh it wurked owet ) After the i-nishawl, Huggz, eye smelt Mylowedog, the dog that waz visiting D E G B, ( Darin ,Ellen Gace and Ben)Daddog sayd He ( Mylowe) waz a humperDog, Eww, and took security very syrEuslee, (Barkz), Thea dident bring me nuffin, but thair Love is Enuff,(Insert Awe) Daddog just finishin up a Lobster role samwitch,that Darin made from the remainin Lobster frum Daddogs delayed Birffdae feest, itz a tuff lief, (Thankz D). Well mi Ruuteen iz stayplelized, , Eyem a HappeeGirldog
from $hit My Dad’s Dog Says
Daddog,saez heez comin home 2kite,eyell B leaf it wen it happens, greekneez taste betur wen Momdog gives them 2 me, its Ben 42 dogdaze RUU
from $hit My Dad’s Dog Says
Mi Ruuteen has taeken a hit,and knot 4 the betur ,Daddog ass shurez me Thea R returning,thank Dog Eye have the Max,heez A gud list10er,and taekz durecktshun well,it’s liek Eye lost mi weight staff
from $hit My Dad’s Dog Says
Tawktd 2 Daddog, says lots of Thunderd ,Thairz a Boydog, named Milow,Golden retreever mix,hee dozsent like it evfer ,Saez ,hee dozsent RUU, barks At at evfery thing sounds like we wood get along, Eye miss them
from $hit My Dad’s Dog Says
MD & DD R gowing 2 Transivilanya, CoreyDog and Vera R gowing 2 taek cair of me,Hoep thea no the rulez, thea R stayin hear,sew eye woent haev 2 B tramatized, buy change,, Daddog showed them whair the “Greekneez ” R, hoep thea no whair/waut knot 2 sit on, Max will still come and wee will still goe 4 walkz, CoreyDog iza gud RUUU-er, eye wil miss Daddogz petz, thea useULlee come bac, hoep thea miss me, sew much, that thea dowent haev a gud tyme
from $hit My Dad’s Dog Says
Eyem a luckey Girldog, Max is abowet dun sheddin, lookz liek a clumpDog, eye dispurse mi fur con10Uslee, wen eye waulk/lay/sleep, Max is a 1se a yearsheddindog, Birds come from alofver 2 get Maxfur 2 billd thair nests, Momdog throwz mine aweigh,, eye cud kill a Romba, Koda has ben comin by after Max goez hoem, Max sniffz spotz whair he has been N mi yard, koda has slept N Maxz sleepin wholez, Max menchund that heez knot happee wiff that, Eye told hymn itz awl N O cent, Toewuld hymn eye save mi best playn 4 wen eyem wiff hymn, Eye think Max iz Jellus… ofver me…Gosh
from $hit My Dad’s Dog Says